December 30, 2023

What if you did know?

When coaching clients, a common answer to a question is ‘I don’t know’?

Often as a client you are resisting, resisting perhaps uncovering an answer you won’t like, or an answer that will be against your current beliefs.

Are you hesitating? To do the thing you really want to do. Go for the job, write a book, leave the relationship or the corporate job. But you’re just not sure. Not sure it will work out, and what it will mean if it doesn’t actually work. I mean, what if you were to fail?

  • But what if you did know?

  • What if you knew that it was the next step on your path that you are destined to take?

  • What if you knew that you were being nudged in this direction for a reason?

  • What if you did know that it would all work out perfectly?

  • Then what would you do?

If you were to trust your unconscious mind, it has all the answers. But learning to trust your unconscious can be unfamiliar, especially if you have been running on autopilot.

The truth is we can never know what will happen. We don’t know the end of the story. We can only know what we feel in our heart. The butterflies in our stomach that we feel when we are considering a bold move. We can only follow the possibilities that lay ahead of us if we are brave enough to leap.

So, if you did know, that all would be well if you took that step, what would you do?

Take a leap and follow your path.

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