April 2, 2022

Foods you can freeze with a few simple steps and tips

With a bit of care and planning here are some foods you can freeze with a few simple steps and tips and you will save money, as these fruits and veggies will freeze perfectly for use later on.


Slice and core the apples, place them in a bowl with some lemon juice for 5 minutes. This should stop them from going brown. Place them in a single layer on a tray and freeze for at least 4 hours or overnight and then transfer to a freezer-safe bag. They’ll last for up to a year in your freezer. You can then remove them and munch away as needed or cook into a pie filling, apple crumble or apple sauce.


Depending on where you live Avocados are not very cheap and you don’t want to waste them. Remove the seed and scoop out the flesh. Cut into small chunks and store in a freezer-safe pouch or container. Frozen avocado tastes great in green smoothies and you can also defrost and toss them through a salsa.


Peel the banana, this is important as it will be hard to peel when frozen and then chop into chunks. Pop into a freezer-safe bag into the freezer. They are great for smoothies or blend into a banana ice cream. Even better in banana bread!


There is nothing worse than getting out the block of cheese you bought a week or so ago and only used it once to find it has gone hard or even mouldy, grate it in advance and store in a freezer-safe container. Also, by grating it yourself you know the cheese you have bought doesn’t have any nasties. Many store bought grated versions have can have anti clumping agents and preservatives added to them.

Cooked eggs

Yes you can freeze cooked eggs! Place some nitrate free bacon or ham in a muffin tin to line, crack in an egg, some herbs, cheese, tomato or whatever you fancy, then bake 180 degrees for approx. 30 mins. Let them cool and place in freezer, pull them out the night before and you have a great quick brekky or lunch. Scrambled eggs freeze well because the yolk prevents the egg whites from becoming rubbery. Cook the eggs as you would finishing so the eggs are slightly under, and allow to cool, then freeze portions on a tray. Remove and put into individual freezer bags, remove excess air before closing. When you want to use allow them to defrost in the fridge overnight before reheating in a frying pan.

Cooked rice/ quinoa/ buckwheat

You want to freeze the cooked grains as soon as possible after cooking to avoid the growth of bacteria. Cool the grains in the fridge and then transfer to freezer-safe containers. Simply thaw and reheat in a pan before serving. Having cold grains is even better for you and they contain more resistant starches. Benefits of resistant starch includes improved insulin sensitivity, lower blood sugar levels, reduced appetite and various benefits for digestion.

Leafy Greens

Big bunches of kale and spinach can take up so much room in the fridge. If you’re planning to cook them anyway, gently blanch in a bowl of pre-boiled water for 30 seconds, drain and run under cool water. Drain again and place into freezer-safe bags in your chosen portions. You can use them straight from the freezer you can add them to a pan with some butter to heat through or stir into a soup/ sauce or stew.

Mashed potato

Mashed potatoes freeze really well and can make life so much easier when you have a busy night. Take one-cup portions of the mashed potatoes onto a baking paper-lined tray then transfer to the freezer until the mashed potatoes are completely frozen. Transfer the individual servings to a large freezer bag or container, and store in the freezer until you need it. Thaw and reheat in the oven or on a low stove before serving up.


Who loves chopping onions, I will admit I cry every time, it doesn’t matter how sharp my knife is. Chop up the whole bag, pop the chopped onions into a few smaller freezer-safe jars or bags and freeze. You can use them straight from the freezer and add to any dish.

Onion skins

Don’t chuck away the ends of the onions or the onion skins! Save them to flavour a bone broth, stock, or even a soup. You won’t need to add a whole onion, which will save you money, freeze these as well.



Please remember to check all defrosted portions and if in doubt please throw out, food that has gone off won’t be of any benefit to you.

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