Have you ever wondered what your life would be like if you could just stop that bad habit, bad behaviour or destructive pattern of self-sabotage?
Would you love to take a glimpse into the future to show you what it will be like if you don’t make the choice to change now?
Let me take you on a journey into what is called ‘2 futures’ and take a look at how much of an impact the behaviour will have on your life if you choose to stay the same. After getting a good look at the direction your life is headed with the bad behaviour, we can then imagine a future where you make the choice to change now. A future where you can experience the significant impact and improvement you make on your life. Making the decision to take control of your future and achieve the outcome you desire.
Let’s take a look at an example. This person was ready to make the changes required to transform their life.
The client was asked what they wanted to change. Their response was that they wanted to feel better in their life, they wanted to feel comfortable in their own skin, they wanted to live a happy healthy life. Weight loss was a big goal, but to also feel in control of their actions and to make healthy choices.
Client responses when asked what would happen if you didn’t make any changes.
One day from now
I feel depressed, self-pity, I loathe the day to day. I am already overweight and can’t seem to lose it.
One week from now
Nothing has changed, I am still doing everything the same. Although I may have tried to lose some weight, but nothing works. I still can’t buy clothes from the nice shops. I am not moving much, I can’t be bothered, I feel crap all the time.
One month from now
I haven’t improved any habits, it’s actually pretty sad, I am lonely, disappointed with myself, upset, why me? I just don’t know what to do. I have tried, it’s too hard, it’s so unfair, it’s not my fault. I can’t be bothered doing anything, I’m not motivated. I have lots of pain, I just ache, I have reflux/indigestion all the time. The doctor is monitoring my bloody pressure.
One year from now
Nothing has improved, I haven’t changed anything. I weigh 120kg. I feel like crap, why am I here, nothing works, why bother. I feel yuck, flat, drained, no motivation, I feel dull, no drive. Everything is too hard, I can’t go for walks, it hurts to much, People annoy me, I am always grumpy, irritable, and moody. I am on multiple medications.
Five years from now
I haven’t changed anything, still doing the same thing, which is not much. I feel embarrassed, my daughter is an adult now. I am scared of what my habits have done to her. My husband is overweight, we are not motivated, we don’t do anything, we don’t go anywhere. I weigh 135kg, my skin is horrible, covered in stretch marks. Is there even any point in being here? I feel responsible for my family, as a woman I feel I have let them down, I feel embarrassed and ashamed. At 135kg I am on high blood pressure medication, I may have even had a heart attack. I am highly inflamed.
Ten years from now
I am 57 nothing has changed. I weigh 150kg as I still haven’t changed anything. I am lucky to still be alive, I don’t feel lucky. I don’t feel like doing a damn thing, I am at the point of no return. How the hell did I get here, why am I still here? I’m not even fat anymore, I am just a blob of fat, not worthy. Clothes are sacks, metres of material. My skin is covered in rashes, its dry and flaky, I smell, I can’t shower without help. I can’t walk very far; I definitely can’t exercise. I can’t work anymore so I am on a disability pension. I can’t go anywhere; I can’t do anything I don’t have any money. I am lonely, sad, depressed, and anxious. I am taking medication for all of those. I feel I have no purpose, why bother, why am I here? I am no longer contributing to society. I am using resources in hospital, I fall, I get sores, they don’t heal. Doctors’ visits all the time; I am sick all the time.
Today I make a change, today I draw a line in the sand, from today I will only do things that benefit my body.

The client was then asked to consider if they did make changes, how would their life look?
One day from now
I feel excited to make changes, I am thinking about eating well, I know there will be benefits, I am planning ahead, looking for potential roadblocks.
One week from now
I am still making changes, better food choices, I only eat real foods with very little process if at all, I am moving more. I have more clarity. I have lost a 1/2 kg this first week. There are detox ramifications, I have had headaches, but now I am feeling more energetic.
One month from now
I have stuck to my healthy eating, I am really taking care of myself. I feel more alive, more energy. I have stuck to my daily habits, and I haven’t missed a day. I have learnt how to negotiate obstacles. A dinner came up 3 weeks in I learnt how to get around that. I learnt by sticking to my values around how I want to eat. By choosing alternatives I have navigated these situations. My weight is down 2kg. Centimetres are down, my body is changing.
One year from now
I have lost over 20kg, a fantastic effort, I still have more to lose. People have noticed, they are saying I look happier, healthier, and looking good overall. People have been asking what I have done, what am I doing, what’s the secret? I am wearing jeans and a top, I have just bought them, I have never fit into this size before. I feel happy, but I want more, I want to lose more weight, tone my body, my addiction has changed from food to being healthy. My hair is looking beautiful, it’s not falling out as much anymore. My skin is feeling softer, it’s a but saggy, but that’s a small payoff. I am shopping in most normal clothes shops, large sizes as there are still a few bumps I want to hide. My hubby is losing weight as well, daughter has improved her eating. We are doing lots of family activities, sparks are flying.
Five years from now
I am 52, no going back, I know what serves me. I have never felt so good, I am always out doing activities, enjoying life. I have more energy; I love climbing hills and I am no longer huffing and puffing at the top. Sitting at 65kg, I am so energetic, I can feel my heart beating and so happy to be alive. I am not taking any medications. My daughter has finished school and is chasing her dreams, she looks good, is healthy and lean. Hubby has also lost weight, happy, energetic, can’t wait to retire. I feel full and alive, so happy.
Ten years from now
I have maintained this lifestyle, I weight what is right for my body. I am eating foods that nourish my body, I am exercising to nourish my body. I am so grateful for what I have achieved and learned. We are financially independent, and money is no longer a worry for us. I will be retiring at 60.
Are you ready to go on your own journey into your future and discover what it is like making the changes you need to let go of the old patterns and head into the future you have been dreaming of?
Are you ready to take control & stop letting old patterns control you?
This client experience was me.
I made the choice to nurture & nourish my body and understand the powerful impact this work has in helping me achieve my dream life. For me it came down to self-worth, self-love, self-value. Investing the time in myself, if I didn’t invest in myself no one else was going to do it for me.
This is the day I drew a line in the sand!
After experiencing this truly life changing work, I have a passion for helping others transform their lives.
Working with a coach gets you out of your mind, it gets you beyond thinking about all the things you ‘should’ be doing.
In a coaching session we will work together uncovering deep emotional root causes that have been keeping you stuck, we will release negative emotions you are holding onto. Allowing you to clear the issues and take control of your emotions so they are no longer controlling your life.