The day I drew a line in the sand!
At my heaviest 108 kg, what would happen it if I didn’t make any changes in my life and I keep eating the crap processed foods.
Losing weight; this means I am getting healthy?
We are told in the media, lose weight, look great and you will become healthy. So, we lose weight and think this is the answer to becoming healthy. But our lifestyle has a big impact on our health.
Self-care is it all its cracked up to be?
Self-care isn't selfish, it's essential. Download the checklist for tips in the areas of mind, body and soul. Guide to Nourishment self-care workbook deep dives into each item with action items to be completed.
Are you a planner or casual when it comes to meal-times?
Is planning the key to a healthy eating?
Sugar the not so sweet truth
Your brain may see sugar as a reward, which then drives you to eat more.
Tips for healthy food shopping
The best advise I can give is to buy Seasonal, Local, Organic, Whole foods.
Foods you can freeze with a few simple steps and tips
Freezing can preserve the freshness and you can use when they are no longer in season.
Food traditions – what are they?
It is through these learning experiences, that we discover more about where we came from, which then has an impact on how we evolve as individuals.
Making fruit and veggies last
Some simple tips to make those fruits and veggies last longer and reduce the wastage.